More than Hair ✂️

To see ourselves in the world around us.

More than Hair is a short film that follows a young black boy who tries to come to terms with the difference in his hair, compared to the adopted white family he comes from.

We forget sometimes how impressionable young kids can be.

This short film does a wonderful job of presenting the life from a child’s point of view, where they’re beginning to shape their idea of what the world is.

In this case, it’s about finding your identity, or a reference point to better understand yourself - and that you aren’t alone in the hurdles you face.

This is a watch that also proves how powerful representation can be.

What one person might think is just hair, to someone else is a struggle to find themselves in the world around them.

That being said - this was a great way to capture the the small moments in one’s life, that add up to mean so much more in the grand scheme of things.


8.5/10 🎥 🍿

Runtime: 12mins

Where: Pan African Film Festival 2023

More than Hair Review (2023) The Richmond Reviewer.

#ShortFilm #film #MovieReview #Movie #PAFF31 #PAFFRimagine #PAFFNOW #PanAfricanFilmFestival

Getaway 🧳

Two people living under the same roof, exposed to different sides of the same country.

Getaway showcases a woman who is rightfully focused on the financial struggles of survival, who inevitably lacks the time to process the real world events shaping her sons world.

As a Canadian it was interesting to watch these two perspectives - one of a mother from Jamaica, and the other a son born in America.

You witness a mother turn a blind eye to the America around her, until an unfortunate event hits to close to home.

Some people disassociate themselves from their community or culture, but this is more about surviving and persevering for what matters to you most - your immediate family.

Everything after that comes second.

It’s an impossible dilemma that doesn’t get any easier after watching this.

Even though the story wasn’t as focused as it needed to be, it still found a way to communicate its message effectively. - and for that alone I found it to be worth watch the watch.


6/10 🎥 🍿

Runtime: 20mins
Where: Pan African Film Festival 2023 

Getaway Review (2023) The Richmond Reviewer.

#ShortFilm #film #MovieReview #Movie #PAFF31 #PAFFREIMAGINE #PAFFNOW #PanAfricanFilmFestival